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We are pleased to announce, that Borflex Rex has been elected as one of the TOP 10 Solution providers for Rubber and Tire Tech in
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Rex will be participating as an exhibitor at XIX Intenational Wheelset Congress in Venice. At booth number 21 in Chiostro dei Cipressi room we will
REX will be at the Asia Pacific Rail 2017 Trade fair in Hongkong exhibiting the company and it’s rail and mobility related products, application and innovations.
REX will be at the Swiss Plastics Expo 2017 in Lucerne exhibiting the company and it’s rail and mobility related products, application and innovations.
We are working on a work of the century: the San Gotthard tunnel. A masterpiece of engineering and precision work like a swiss watch. Watch our video here.
SwissStop® Borflex Rex SA will exhibit its innovative bicycle brake system for four days at EUROBIKE 2016 Trade Fair in Friedrichshafen, Germany.
REX stellt seine innovativen Gummiprodukte aus dem Bahnsektor auf der NEAT Mobilitäts Ausstellung in Luzern vor. Mehr Informationen finden Sie hier.
Besuche REX vom 20. bis 23 September auf der InnoTrans 2016 Messe in Berlin. Sie finden unsere Stände im Schieneninfrastruktur und Schienenfahrzeug Segment Mehr Informationen finden Sie hier.